Aprender inglés Lima metropolitana  06 sep 2014

i wanna speak in english!!

hi everyone, im looking for people to practice english i dont care if ur english sucks my english is ok, i could have a normal conversation(i think so) .... what im looking is no forget the english that i learned.. so if u wanna practice ur english contact me

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GonxaLez MoraLez G Hey Im interested in practice my english speaking here mi facebook ... https://www.facebook.com/gonzales.morales.90
ENTUSIASTA Dear friend, my name is Pablo, i am from San Borja, , i found you very interesting and i would like to exchange languages with you, i can teach to improve your English language level and you help me also in my English conversation, i need to sharpen it and get more fluency, add me on skype as yellowkick or MSN as [email protected], please let me know what time you are usually connected online, i propose you we can talk using microphone, that way will be a good practice for us to practice