Amistad Lima metropolitana  05 feb 2015

No busco amigos perfectos, Busco Amigos Verdaderos

I consider myself strong, open mind and direct. I'm not afraid to tell people what I think about them. I tell it like I see it because I feel it's better to be honest with someone. Telling someone a lie just to keep them from not getting hurt is not good for them. I care about people, try to help them as much as I can in any way I can. I have a good sense of humor. I love to Meet people from around the world to learn new things. I love to learn about everything I can. I'm very patient and compassionate. I love animals. I love to travel

📄 5
📊 380

JORGE JAVIER hola amiga podemos conocernos,quisiera saber mas de ti,para poder entablar una buena relacion de amistad.espero tu mensaje pronto amiga...
Luis Angel hi I think you are an interesting person I hope we can gather sometime this is my number 940405219
Radwulf93 Sooooo, what-s the point of writing everything in Shakespeare-s tongue missy? :P
Jose yo soy bastante imperfecto pero me gustaria tener una amistad con ud. espero tenerla. Saludos para ti!! que tengas buen dia!!!
negromangueravenbezolano soy venezolano 933604392